Friday, May 31, 2019

African Drumming :: essays research papers

The practice of medicine civilisation model can be used to tantrum euphony not as a part of finale, but culture as a part of music, which gives a better understanding to outsiders trying to excavate another societys music. The starting component of the music culture model is ideas about music this topic is subdivided into music and the belief system, aesthetics of music, context, and history. The mho aspect is activities involving music in that culture. The third facet is repertories of music, which includes styles, genres, texts, composition, transmission, and movement. The last part of the music culture model is the material culture of the music, that is, what physical objects argon used. By applying the music culture model to the war drumming of the Ewe people of Ghana, a greater appreciation of both the Ewe culture and their music can be attained.The prototypical aspect of ideas about music is how music relates to the belief system of the people. In the Ewe tradition, m usic helps people get in touch with their ancestors and feel the power of emotional state. Ancestors atomic number 18 very of the essence(predicate) to the Ewe because ones ancestors have the power to work both good and evil on a descendants heart therefore, ancestors must be pleased by dint of with(predicate) music. The power of life is also consequential to the Ewe because most natural things are seen as holy, and the energy force that runs through nature can be tapped through music. The uphold idea about music in the music culture model is aesthetics. In the Ewe culture, powerful music is regarded as good music. The force of drumming in a song like Agbekor, for example, helps remind the people of past war victories and bravery shown on the battlefield, an important concept for the Ewe people.The next aspect examined by the music culture model is the context of the music. Typical Ewe drumming performances are presented at funerals and festivals, where the aim is to reach t he spirit of ones ancestors. Music is a social element for these people, and performances are held for entire villages. The final idea about music in the music culture model is the history of the music. Drumming is one of the most historically important facets of Ewe culture. In the past, drumming has given the Ewe people freedom by way of scare their captors, as well as victories in the battlefield, and the blessings of ancestors.African Drumming essays research papers The music culture model can be used to purview music not as a part of culture, but culture as a part of music, which gives a better understanding to outsiders trying to encompass another societys music. The first component of the music culture model is ideas about music this topic is subdivided into music and the belief system, aesthetics of music, context, and history. The second aspect is activities involving music in that culture. The third facet is repertories of music, which includes styles, genres, texts , composition, transmission, and movement. The last part of the music culture model is the material culture of the music, that is, what physical objects are used. By applying the music culture model to the war drumming of the Ewe people of Ghana, a greater appreciation of both the Ewe culture and their music can be attained.The first aspect of ideas about music is how music relates to the belief system of the people. In the Ewe tradition, music helps people get in touch with their ancestors and feel the power of life. Ancestors are very important to the Ewe because ones ancestors have the power to work both good and evil on a descendants life therefore, ancestors must be pleased through music. The power of life is also important to the Ewe because most natural things are seen as holy, and the energy force that runs through nature can be tapped through music. The second idea about music in the music culture model is aesthetics. In the Ewe culture, powerful music is regarded as good m usic. The force of drumming in a song like Agbekor, for example, helps remind the people of past war victories and bravery shown on the battlefield, an important concept for the Ewe people.The next aspect examined by the music culture model is the context of the music. Typical Ewe drumming performances are presented at funerals and festivals, where the aim is to reach the animate of ones ancestors. Music is a social element for these people, and performances are held for entire villages. The final idea about music in the music culture model is the history of the music. Drumming is one of the most historically important facets of Ewe culture. In the past, drumming has given the Ewe people freedom by way of intimidating their captors, as well as victories in the battlefield, and the blessings of ancestors.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

American Colonies: Contrasting the New England and Southern Colonists :: American America History

American Colonies Contrasting the rude(a) England and Southern ColonistsThe New England and Southern Colonies were both settled largely by theEnglish. By 1700, the regions had evolved into two perspicuous societies.The grey colonies have characteristics that are the antithesis ofthe New England colonies attributes. New England was colonized for Freedomof Worship and freedom of political thought. The Southern colonies weredeveloped for freedom of economic opportunity. The New England colonies hadaspirations for a distinct society, where they could show their homeland,how a country should be run. The southern colonies had goals formercantilism, and increasing the prosperity of England. The New Englandcolonies were based on theocracy, where the state forced the bulk to liveand worship in an orthodox way. The southern colonies(Virginia) had agovernment based on a royal government, where the state was governed by aregulator and council named by the king, and an elected assembly chose n bythe people. Fin in ally, the New England colonies wanted to establish thecolony for religious motives, while the southern colonies were establishedfor economic motives. England and the rebels of England (Pilgrims), make up the New Englandand southern colonies. God Almighty in his most holy and wise providencehath so disposed of the condition of mankind, in all times some must(prenominal) berich, some poor, some high and eminent in power and dignity, other mean andin subjection. Yet we must be knit together in this work as one man.(JohnWinthrop, A Model of Christian Charity) This statement by John Winthrop,demonstrates importance of holiness in the lives of the New Englandsettlers. We must delight in each other, make others conditions our own,rejoice together, mourn together, labor and suffer together, always havingbefore our eyes our delegacy and community in the work, our community asmembers of the same body. (John Winthrop, A Model of Christian Charity).The use of the w ord together and community indicates that the NewEngland settlers were of a communal nature, they were less individualisticthan the southern colonies. The New England colonies were based onreligious freedom, thus their society was reflected the religion.These underwritten names are to be transported to Virginia, embarked inthe Merchants Hope, Hugh Weston, Master, per examination by the ministerof Gravesend touching upon their conformity to the Church discipline ofEngland, and have taken oaths of allegiance and supremacy (Ships List ofEmigrants Bound for Virginia). The use of the word Master, shows, thatthe southern colonies were more of a individualistic state rather than acommunal state(New England).

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Cahills How The Irish Saved Civilization Essay -- essays research pape

Cahills How the Irish Saved CivilizationThomas Cahill opens his story describing Romes f completely, For as the RomanEmpire fell, as all by Europe matted, unwashed barbarians descended on theRoman cities, looting artifacts and burning books, the Irish who were justlearning to read and write, took up the just labor of copying all of westernliterature - everything they could get their hands on. These scribes thenserved as conduits by means of which Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian cultures weretransmitted to the tribes of Europe, newly settled amid the rubble and ruinedvineyards of the refinement they had overwhelmed. (Cahill, p.3) The themeof this book is that the scribes did something unique, they saved civilization,not the masses of people, but literature, the content of classicalcivilization. (Cahill, p. 58) One reads of the time from Romes fall tomedieval times learning through the stories of the characters, most notableAugustine and Patrick.Augustine, his faith based on Roman Chrisitanity, looked into his ownheart and found the anguish of each individual. (Cahill, p. 115) Patrick, theslave turned Christian, escapes only to yield to convert the Irish. He was thefirst missionary to the barbarians beyond Greco-Roman law who looked into thehearts of others. (Cahill, p. 115)Cahill notes Ireland is the only land where Christianity is introducedwithout violence - there were no murdered Irish...

My Blind Friend Taught Me to See Essay -- Friendship Essay

How My Blind Friend Taught Me to See Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Helen Keller Twelve long time ago, at the birthday party of a friend, was the first time I met somebody my own age who had a disability. He was tall for his age, thin, and wore eyeglasses, just desire I did. It was this commonality that initially attracted me to him, since I didnt know very many kindergartners who wore glasses. I had begun wearing glasses to correct a case of strabismus at age two, and was able to see perfectly when I put them on. However, I was not aware of the fact that his glasses did very little to sharpen his vision, and that he was legally blind. On the last day of second grade, at the unofficial annual picnic at Westland Hills Park, we became good friends. As we moved from the swings to the jungle middle school to the sprinklers, I realized how much we truly had in common. We enjoyed the same things Legos, swimming and being Cub Scouts. Throughout third grade, we spent nearly every pass together. During this time, though I had been informed of his disability, I never made...

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Flanking in a Price War Article Summary Essay -- Economics Prices Econ

Flanking in a Price War Article SummaryThe article begins by big(p) a brief analysis of a study that was conducted in Quebec in the early 1980s involving the grocery industry. It discusses a point of time before the attraction in market share, Steinberg, Inc., initiated a price war. One of the authors of the article, Roger J Calantone, was involved in an experiment with one of the smaller grocery chains, IGA. The experiment was designed to construe what IGA should do so as to retain profitability if their main competition launched an all out price war. The main premise was that certain goods, if prices were lowered, would carry more favorable price demand shot than other goods. This would enable the grocer to not draw to slash prices across the board, rather only cut prices on specific goods so as to retain profitability during a price war with the other competitors. During this time, the other competitors combined had dominant market share.The piece gives a background of the Q uebec grocery market between 1950 and 1983, and discussed the main players in the market in this time period. It specifically discusses Steinberg, Inc. This grocery chain, as previously mentioned, was the market drawing card for most of this time until 1980 due to some questionable pricing strategies it had implemented as well as some political changes that occurred in the late 1970s. The adjoining point of the article was to discuss a pricing experiment IGA and the author chose to follow to help combat a price war initiated by its competitors. The premise of the experiment was to ascertain if certain goods were reduced in price, while others maintained or increased price, what would happen to overall demand elasticity as well as specific goods demand elasticity. The goods were divided into two key components and these were stock-up goods (non-perishable items that could be bought in bulk) and nonstick-up goods (perishable items). The methodology and results of the experiment was d iscussed in this treatment. The results ultimately fell in favor of IGA and thusly they were able to effectively fight and win a price war with its major competitors in 1983.Pricing Experiment envisionThe experiment used a covariance design within a Bayesian decision framework to determine that stock-up goods have a different demand elasticity than nonstock-up goods. (Calantone, et al, 1989, p.1) Bayes... ...sis. It also learned that given a price war it could even raise prices of nonstock-up goods to offset the lowering of the stock-up goods prices and not affect the elasticity of demand on the nonstock-up goods in a negative way.What Did I Learn?I learned that in an ogopolistic market it might be wiser to collaborate with competitors rather than aggressively judge to drive them out of the market. The Steinberg grocery chain, due to its aggressive pricing strategy, effectively cost itself market share and profitability. Rather than engage in this type of behavior, Steinberg shou ld have attempted to remain at market equilibrium as it was the dominant player. They should have considered the ramifications of eliminating competition, and what scenarios could potentially occur if they continued on with their current strategies.BibliographyCalantone, R., Droge, C., Litvack, D., Di Benedetto, C. (1989). Flanking in a Price War. Interfaces, 19, 1-12.Wessels, W.J., Economics (3rd ed.)Joyce, J., Bayes Theorem, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2003 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), http//>.

Flanking in a Price War Article Summary Essay -- Economics Prices Econ

Flanking in a Price War Article SummaryThe article begins by giving a brief digest of a study that was conducted in Quebec in the early 1980s involving the mart industry. It disputees a point of time before the leader in merchandise share, Steinberg, Inc., initiated a price war. One of the authors of the article, Roger J Calantone, was involved in an experiment with one of the smaller grocery chains, IGA. The experiment was designed to see what IGA should do so as to retain profitability if their main competition launched an all out price war. The main premise was that certain goods, if prices were lowered, would have more favorable price demand elasticity than other goods. This would enable the grocer to not have to slash prices across the board, rather only cut prices on specific goods so as to retain profitability during a price war with the other competitors. During this time, the other competitors combined had dominant market share.The piece gives a background of the Quebe c grocery market between 1950 and 1983, and discussed the main players in the market in this time period. It specifically discusses Steinberg, Inc. This grocery chain, as previously mentioned, was the market leader for most of this time until 1980 overdue to some questionable pricing strategies it had implemented as well as some political changes that occurred in the late 1970s. The next point of the article was to discuss a pricing experiment IGA and the author chose to follow to help combat a price war initiated by its competitors. The premise of the experiment was to mold if certain goods were reduced in price, while others maintained or increased price, what would happen to overall demand elasticity as well as specific goods demand elasticity. The goods were divided into two key components and these were stock-up goods (non-perishable items that could be bought in bulk) and nonstick-up goods (perishable items). The methodology and results of the experiment was discussed in thi s treatment. The results ultimately fell in favor of IGA and then they were able to effectively fight and win a price war with its major competitors in 1983.Pricing Experiment DesignThe experiment used a covariance design within a Bayesian decision framework to determine that stock-up goods have a different demand elasticity than nonstock-up goods. (Calantone, et al, 1989, p.1) Bayes... ...sis. It also learned that given a price war it could even raise prices of nonstock-up goods to offset the lowering of the stock-up goods prices and not affect the elasticity of demand on the nonstock-up goods in a minus way.What Did I Learn?I learned that in an ogopolistic market it might be wiser to collaborate with competitors rather than aggressively attempt to drive them out of the market. The Steinberg grocery chain, due to its aggressive pricing strategy, effectively cost itself market share and profitability. Rather than engage in this type of behavior, Steinberg should have attempted t o remain at market equilibrium as it was the dominant player. They should have considered the ramifications of eliminating competition, and what scenarios could potentially occur if they continued on with their current strategies.BibliographyCalantone, R., Droge, C., Litvack, D., Di Benedetto, C. (1989). Flanking in a Price War. Interfaces, 19, 1-12.Wessels, W.J., Economics (3rd ed.)Joyce, J., Bayes Theorem, The Stanford encyclopaedia of Philosophy (Winter 2003 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), http//>.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Management Types Essay

There argon various management philosophies and types used in the world of business. These types of management discord from one another. In some cases, a few of these management types can be mixed together in suppose to create something custom for a specific requirement. Management by Objectives (MBO) is one of the frequently used management types. The popularity and the proven results are the main reasons behind everyone adopting this technique for their organization. As valid as it is for many management types, MBO is a systematic and organized approach that emphasizes the achievement of goals. In the long run, this allows the management to change the organizations mindset to run short more result oriented. The ConceptsThe core aim of management by objectives is the alignment of company goals and subordinate objectives properly, so everyone in the organization works towards achieving the same organizational goal. In order to tell apart the organizational goals, the upper man agement usually follows techniques such as GQM (Goal, Questions, and Metrics). In order to set the objectives for the employees, the following steps are followed. * The management chunks down the organizational goals and assign chunks to senior managers.* Senior managers then derive objectives for them to achieve the assigned organizational goals. This is where senior managers assign the objectives to the operational management. * practicable management then chunk down their objectives and identify the activities required for achieving the objectives. These sub-objectives and activities are then assigned to rest of the staff. * When objectives and activities are assigned, the management gives strong inputs to clearly identify the objectives, time frame for completion, and tracking options.* Each objective is properly tracked and the management gives periodic feedback to the objective owner. * In most occasions, the organization defines processes and procedures in order to track the objectives and feedback. * At the end of the agreed period (usually an year), the objective achievement is reviewed and an appraisal is performed. Usually, the outcomes of this assessment are used to determine the salary increments for year up and relevant bonuses to employees. Activity trap is one of the issues that prevent the success of MBO process. This happens when employees are more focused on daily activities rather than the long-term objectives. Overloaded activities are a result of a vicious cycles and this cycle should be broken through proper planning.The Focus In MBO, the management focus is on the result, not the activity. The tasks are delegated through negotiations and there is no fixed roadmap for the implementation. The implementation is done dynamically and to suit the situation. When to use MBO?Although MBO is extremely results oriented, not all enterprises can take in from MBO implementations. The MBO is most suitable for knowledge-based enterpriseswhere the s taff is quite competent of what they do. Specially, if the management is planning to implement a self-leadership culture among the employees, MBO is the best way to initiate that process. Responsibility of IndividualsSince individuals are empowered to carry out stretched tasks and responsibilities under MBO, individual responsibilities play a vital role for the success of MBO. In MBO there is a link construct between the strategic thinking of the upper management and the operational execution of the lower levels of the hierarchy. The responsibility of achieving the objectives is passed from the organization to each individual of the organization. Management by objectives is in general achieved through self-control. Nowadays, especially in knowledge-based organizations, the employees are self-managers who are able to make their own decisions. In such organizations, the management should ask three basic questions from its employees. * What should be your responsibilities?* What info rmation is required by you from the management and the peers? * What information should you provide the management and peers in return?

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Brand and Esprit Essay

America, 1968. Susie and Doug Tompkins atomic number 18 travelling through California in a station wagon filled with homemade clothes. Theirs is an unconventional method of selling from the back seat of a vehicle but even their very showtime customers are delighted, and unrivaled of the worlds most prospered young dash nocks is born Esprit.Worldwide successAs the Esprit headquarters developed in Europe (Dsseldorf) and Asia (Hong Kong) in the 70s, the founder fellowship Esprit USA gradually became an entirely self-sufficient comp any(prenominal). What began in Germany with young sportswear fashion for wowork force marketed under the name of Esprit de Corp soon became one of the most successful young fashion brands on the European market. The American rights were bought back in April 2002, and since then the Esprit group has been one of few global companies to hold 100% of a brand worldwide. In the first six month of the 2003/04 business year Esprit Holdings Limited achieved consolidated sales of 810 million Euro (per 31.12.03) an impressive growth of 32% compared to decease fiscal year. The Esprit Holdings Limited share price is listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange (second listing in London), the Hang Seng index and the MCSI index Hong Kong, as well as the FTSE All World Index for Hong Kong.Excellent merchandisesA team of international designers translates the Esprit attributes into regular collections self-confidently, naturally, stylishly and sensually twelve collections are produced for six order dates per year and product line for Women Collection, workforce Casual, Kids, edc youth, Shoes + Accessories and Esprit Sports Women, Men + Kids the twelve edc and Women Casual collections can be ordered monthly. Four collections are produced a year for Esprit Bodywear and Men Collection.Although the company focuses on the product and price/performance ratio, Esprit also invests continuously in quality and fit high standards that are also maintained in manufacture. Our customers expect us to produce contemporary, high quality and yet affordable goods, explains Heinz Krogner. And non only do we have to do so, but we have to guard sure we do so continuously and all everywhere a long period of time. worldwide imageThe consistent implementation of the image includes a distinct appearance on the outside, and for years now Esprits in-house Image office has been responsible for ensuring that the brand is shown in the same look all over the world. This office is responsible for developing and monitoring every means of communication for advertising, promotional activities and point-of-sale, and co-ordinates and carries out the shoots for Esprits current image campaigns in short, everything that visually represents the Esprit company. The Global Image Office is based in New York.Lifestyle philosophyThe life style idea is at the very heart of Esprits philosophy. From pure product to overall service strategy since 1990 successful li cense partnerships have supported the company on its global development into a lifestyle group. Co-operations with companies with a unfluctuating market presence have helped to create what is now a large pool of Esprit licenses. Please see US license partners for more information.Quality firstEsprit is an international juvenile lifestyle brand offering smart, affordable luxury and bringing newness and style to life. The Group offers 12 product lines encompassing womens wear, mens wear, kids wear, edc youth as well as shoes and accessories through over 640 directly managed retail stores and over 12,000 wholesale points-of-sale worldwide, occupying over 817,000 square metres directly managed retail space in more than 40 countries. Esprit licenses its logo to third-party licensees that offer products bearing the same Esprit quality and essence to consumers. Esprit also operates the rose-cheeked Earth cosmetic brand which includes cosmetics, skin care and body care products. Penetrat ing into existing markets while entering new ones. The Group willing brood to penetrate into existing markets and expand newer ones through wholesale distribution channels in the new financial year. Over 200 partnership stores, 500 shop-in-stores and 700 identity element corners are planned for FY2005/2006.EuropeIn Europe, partnership stores will be used to gain penetration in core markets such as Germany, Benelux and France where the Esprit brand already has substantial brand presence. Shop-in-stores and identity corners concept with department stores and multi-label retailers will be used to enter new markets in order to minimize large(p) expenditure requirements. U.K., Italy and Spain will be the newer European markets of focus for FY2005/2006. USAEsprit is faced with difficult times in its US operations. Key department stores have stop sale of the brand (Nordstrom is the only major store to carry Esprit and Dillards, Macys East, Macys West and Marshall Fields have all acq uire their last wholesale shipments), a number of licensing agreements have been put on hold and the brand will stop US distribution of Collection womens suits and career apparel, as well as the entire mens wear line. Furthermore, three executives have recently resigned. Having recently reintroduced the brand in the US after an absence of 15 years, Esprit is facing up to the fact that brand recognition is not what it used to be and changes have to be made. The company intents to fiat its US strategy, confessing that it had misjudged its popularity there. I have overestimated our brand power in America, said chief executive Heinz Krogner. Sixty percent of the women knew our brand, but they didnt see any relevance. We have made mistakes. 1 AsiaAsia wholesale initiatives for the fiscal year include entering the India market as well as expanding the distribution channels to duty informal stores in Thailand, the Philippines and Vietnam. In November 2005, Esprit announced that it will s tep up garment sourcing from India. The company plans for a new store in partnership with Madura Garments, part of the Birla Group, and sourcing from India will naturally increase. Although China and Taiwan are still the biggest source of products for Esprit, the company already sources products like shirts and trousers from India. Esprit is increasing its efforts to penetrate the Indian market, with the partnership with Madura Garments marking a beginning to that effort. Stores have already been launched in Mumbai and Bangalore. COO Thomas Johannes Grote told the Economic Times that India would become one of the most important markets for Esprit within the next 10 to 12 years. What do they sell?Esprit Holdings Limited is engaged in the sourcing, retail and wholesale distribution and licensing of quality and lifestyle products designed under the globally prize Esprit brand name.It has been a listed company in Hong Kong since 1993 and has a secondary listing on the London Stock Exch ange since December 1998.Up to 2004 the Group has controlled retail space of over 400,000 square meters in more than 40 countries spanning 5 continents. It operates approximately 630 directly managed retail stores and has over 9,700 wholesale outlets.The brand Esprit has been an international lifestyle fashion brand name applied to an extensive sick of 12 lines, covering womens, mens and childrens apparel, footwear and accessories.Its main line, womens unconcerned covers the largest segment of the brands portfolio (39% of total turnover), appealing to most consumers because of its casual and sportswear for everyday lifestyle. It constitutes the most competitive division of the portfolio.EDC women (13% of total turnover), appeals to trend aware women through an up-to-date mix of items that fit womens outgoing lifestyle. Although it is one of the fastest growing segments in the company, it is not doing well considering the competition. This is the segment where Esprit losses the s peed up among big shapers of the industry such as Spanish ZARA and Swedish H&M.Mens casual (11% of total turnover) provides smart and urban wear for men. The designs reliance quality cutting with new fashion highlights and provide the required relaxation fit for the socially conscious after work.Licensed products bearing the Esprit name range from time wear, eyewear, jewel and fragrance, to bedding and other home products. In addition, the Group owns the Red Earth brand name and distributes its cosmetics, skin and body care products. vogue companies not only sell products, but also identify with their customers through certain values. Esprit has been a pioneer in having a clear identity and a courageous thirst for sharing what they believe in with their public. The following are the main characters within the brands identityThe end consumerEsprit is a well-recognized brand, which reaches a very big audience, across 5 continents. In their own words, they are a youthful lifestyle bra nd that targets customers with young attitude, not age.Although the brand counts with 12 different lines, directed at women, men and children, most customers are women, ranging between 15 and 35 years old. They turn to the brand in search of youthful stylish items that will never go out of fashion. They have simple but refreshing taste. They are looking mostly for stylish, yet comfortable clothes. They instruct Esprits quality clothing, which is at all times at a democratic price.The brand counts with a large number of loyal customers. Its e* ball club, an online rank club which rewards repeated purchases and offers particular(a) promotions and services, has a large audience across the globe.It is impossible for us to know exactly how many people are loyal to Esprits core values since the birth of the brand, or how many of their customers even know about the compelling letters to prevent aids and its wondering(a) of the way we shop in this ever more consumerism lifestyle we have seem to engaged. It would be interesting to conduct such a survey in the lead suggesting any concrete communication strategy.How does Esprit deliver customer satisfaction?As we described before, Esprits target audience is looking for something stylish, yet not in like manner fashionable. Its customers put quality first, before latest trends. They pauperization their clothes to last, not to be very expensive, and to have a simple yet tasteful touch. They want their clothes to say something about them, something Esprit conveys as well reliability, comfort, good reputation, seriousness with a little touch of playfulness, trustworthiness, honesty, credibility.Esprit delivers customer satisfaction by not permit its clients down. By representing values its customers like to feel connected to. By being honest and not trying to sell something that its not suitable for the customer. Esprit stands for a traditional brand, which has steadily grown by being true to itself, to its values, by not letting other brands strategies change its own. Also, by not taking in addition many risks. And that is what its customers expect reliable products, at fair prices, which will not imply any mayor risk.Esprits shops are comforting and make one feel safe. They are attractive, yet not flashy. Taking into consideration that the brand targets not only teenagers but also grown-ups, the atmosphere has to be more calmed and stable. A regular customer who walks into an Esprit shop knows what they will find there and will never be disappointed.Esprit makes its clients feel like part of a whole. Part of those women in society who are not intimidated by the fast moving market of clothing. Women who do not let the industry tell them what to wear, or to subvert products with little quality and at ridiculous prices. That is why they are faithful to Esprit, because it makes them feel safe and confident. Obviously there is a market for these women, considering that Esprit unlike H&M or ZARA- sells basically the same collection all over the world.How do they attract and retain customers?Esprit lives thanks to a loyal group of customers. However, their constant quantity growth derives from the success in attracting new customers every year. They do so by offering an alternative option to shops like ZARA and H&M, whose quality is light and atmosphere might be too intimidating for some people.The fact that they sell items for the whole family in one shop also brings them repeated purchases in their different product lines. The fact that they sell the same collection all over the world also makes repeated purchases more plausible. Whether the client is in China, Germany or the United States, they can feel at home when they enter the shop.The brand retains customers by offering a quality product, at the same time as a superior service. Unlike many other clothing shops, at Esprit employees are very attentive and strive for making customers feel comfortable and not only please d, but delighted. That explains part of the success in keeping such a loyal audience.Esprit also offers discounts and special promotions to loyal customers. Through e*club, its online membership club, Esprit offers credit (e*club points) in their stores for every purchase done through the e*club card. As an e*club member, customers are invited to enjoy special promotions, such as double e*points weeks and special shopping hours. Also, a member of the e*club can have access to other benefits such as free call centre service and personal access to their account balance. Joining the e*club is free.Esprit offers as well the possibility to do online shopping, which allows customers to view the items online and request for the measures and colours they prefer. If they are not satisfied they can always return the merchandise and get their money back, which not many shops are ready to offer yet. Shipping is for free, in those countries where the programme is available.To keep their clients informed, Esprit also offers a regular newsletter, in which they inform of the latest collections and news in the fashion industry. Subscription is for free and for every new entry clients get important discounts.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Global link for Australia than defence

The main reason why Australia provides advocate is to reduce the amount of poverty around the world. We likewise provide aid to achieve a sustainable development. Defense is also one of Australias regional and global links. We have ties with the US, UK, NZ and South-East nations such as lacquer and South Korea. The major focus of defense in Australia is to provide military forces. For this to work, defenses must get ready for military operations and another(prenominal) tasks conducted by the government. Australias aid program helps improve the lives of cardinals of people in countries that are still developing.We work with governments in these developing countries to deliver aid to where people need it most. Aid is really important to people around the world, not Just benefiting them but us too like improving our regional security. Our funding for 2012/13 reached up to 331 million dollars. Australia spends over 51 billion dollars Just on defense. This huge amount of money is us ed up all in a decade. We assist other nations to develop their military skills and its a win for both them and us because we assist one another. But our defense links can result In conflicts with umpteen militaries overseas.When we have conflicts with one another, there Is a high amount of financial cost to being Involved. We cannot agree with everything anyone says, there volition definitely be disagreements which will result In financial costs. Certainly during military conflict, soldiers will be Injured and killed. Decisively, aid Is more beneficial and efficient than defense In cost of Interaction and the benefiting the country. Although defense has a huge Impact on us, It may cause greater threats. Its Important for us to think about whatd happen If things dont go our way, not Just whats good for the country.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Centerville School Essay

Studies suggest that homework benefits Jr. High Students. However some schools have different beliefs. For example, Centerville School has decided to change its homework policy. Their invigorated policy does not require students to do homework. I disagree with this new policy, for homework has more benefits such as building function and disciplining students, keeping the sustains involved with their kids education and it gives students more time to practice and absorb what they learnt in level. First of all, homework is a great resource for teaching responsibility and discipline to students. It encourages good work habits. With daily homework, students learn time management, an essential life skill. They realise that not all their freetime should be use for leisure. Some of it should be used otherwise, for their studies. It teaches them responsibility to complete work on time as they may lose marks if they dont exhaust it. This keeps them organized.Another benefit of homework i s that it keeps parents involved with their childs education. Parents cant be with their kids at school, therefore are excluded from many class projects and assignments. If the kids present homework, parents can follow their childs curriculum throughout the year. It also enhances the communication between the child and parent because it gives them something to talk about. Parents can thus supervise their childs progress in school. Finally, homework gives students more time to practice and absorb what they learnt in class. They have more time to improve and achieve the skills they learnt at school.Students need this extra time and if not given as homework, teachers will have to dedicate some class time for this. This loss of class time leads to other issues, like not completing their grade curriculum in time. The extra time devoted at home to school has a positive effect on a students study life. All in all, Centerville School has decided to alter their homework policy. The policy was to not give their students homework. Homework teaches kids responsibility and discipline, and it involves parents in their kids schooling. Also, it gives students more time to exercise and expand the skills they are learning in class. Homework has many benefits and I dont think the homework policy in Centerville School should be changed.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Equality And Diversity Within The Workplace Essay

When I am giveing the individuals I work with, I find it vital to invariably excogitate on my work. What I do well, what I dont do well and improve and enhance my performance. It is important for me to think about and evaluate what I do, as I can always improve to fit the customers needs. I like to focus on how I interact with the customers, and how the environment around them is. I lease a wistful log/personal development plan which I fill out and give to my manager each year. It contains examples of what I can do to improve and shape ideas. I also write about my strengths and what I do well. Other than a yearly personal development plan, I am always discussing with my manager and colleagues different and better ways in which we can work as a team to better the lives of the customers we nutriment.When I first began working in care and support, I thought, through following other staff who had worked in the indus punish a long while, that it was okay to prompt customers to say please and give thanks you. Since building up my confess way of working and knowledge through others, I know that it is right and better for the customers to let them make their own decisions. My own values and beliefs could affect my working practice, as I work with other people who have different beliefs and values.In a professional environment, I have to accept and support the people I work alongside and work for, if I dont agree with their values or beliefs, I try my hardest to understand their point of view, and of course if it is a customers point of view, I will support them in what they want to do. For example, hotshot of the ladies I support openly admits she is racist, and she stands by her beliefs. My communication channel is to be kind and supportive, and although I dont personally agree with racism, it is my job to be open minded and supportive. miscellanea means to refer acceptance for others, and respect all beings as unique individuals. It is important to recog nize others as individuals, including their race, sex, religions and beliefs, sexual orientation, age and other concepts that make us the way we are. Diversity is about moving forward and being able to accept everyone for who they are. Equality is about each and every individual being seen as equal to one another. To be fair and give everyone equal opportunities, no matter their race, age,religion etc. Promoting equality should remove discrimination towards others, and to not victimize or rag others for the way they are. Inclusion is ensuring people are being included, engaging in everyday things and having human rights. To have a sense of belonging and feeling prize is a part of inclusion, and valuing all individuals.The effect a person could have by being discriminated could be different to another person. The adults I support should be given choices and chances to join in with activities, and if the were judged for having a disability, this would be discrimination. This could m ake the individual feel a lot of different things, depressed, stressed, fear, feeling withdrawn, low self admiration and humiliation. I always ensure the two customers I support are involved in everyday activities, such as cleaning their home, cooking their dinner party and choosing what they would like to tire out. There are many pieces of legislation that have been put in place to ensure equality is promoted and discrimination is reduced, these include The Human Rights pretend 1998, The Disability Discrimination Act 2005 and Employment Equality Regulations 2003.These legislations are to promote equality for all, regardless of sex, age, disability or religion etc. Although these legislations are in place, people still may not be able to change their views or opinions, and this is why good practice should be set in place, and others should reflect on how they work and support others. Everyone has a right to be included, and to participate in equal activities and to be valued as a unique individual. one and only(a) of the customers I support had never been to church at 37 years old, and had told me one day that she would like to go. We walked up to the church and attended a serve well one Sunday, which she really enjoyed and was extremely happy to join in with singing hymns, praying and interacting with other church goers. She decided that she only wanted to go on particular occasions, such as Christmas and Easter, and I respected her choices and updated her This is Me document.If I was to witness a discriminatory incident, I would write down what happened in my own personal records, and propound the incident to my line manager. If would possibly challenge the person in a calm and professional manner, and tell them that what they are saying or doing is unacceptable,and explain to them why. In my workplace, discrimination towards another person can lead to disciplinary action, and we have policies in place to deal with discrimination.My duties and respons ibilities in my job role are to support adults with learning disabilities with good practice, and complying to all policies and procedures whilst doing so. Improving my performance at work is an everyday thing, I always remain focused and keep a reflective journal of which I record daily things, what I could improve, be done differently, how I feel about things and why I do them. Throughout my shift, I keep an open mind, and look at things from different perspectives, for example if a customer wants to go out in the snow without shoes on, I would support them in trying to think of a different way to do this, such as wearing shoes or waiting until it is sunny to wear no shoes in the garden. This way, the customer still has different options, but the potential negative outcomes would be explained to them e.g. catching a cold or something more(prenominal) serious. I have a personal development plan, and I see my line manager as my mentor.She goes through my PDP with me and supports me to achieve my goals. Within my PDP are various(a) things including training I would like to attend, usually optional training that would benefit my knowledge and understanding and the customers I support. I am applying for the senior support actor programme this year, which is a programme my company set up to give support workers guidance and training if they want to become a manager in the future. This includes giving presentations and working extra hours and taking on more responsibilities such as doing rotas, giving other staff supervisions and being the PIC Person in Charge. My manager reviews my personal development plan yearly, and sets me goals and targets to achieve throughout the year, for example attend MCA training, support a customer on holiday and complete my diploma in health and social care. Monitoring my own practice has changed the way in which I work for the better.By attending more training, for example epilepsy training, I now have a better knowledge about ep ilepsy, and what to do if someone has a seizure. Completing my diploma will change and advance my job role as I will have learned more about vulnerable adults, practices and standards and more to help me support the best way I can. I have a yearly appraisal which is part of my PDP. My manager tells me what Iam doing well and what I can improve on, and I continue to feedback to her every month during my supervision to ensure I am on my way to achieve my goals and have a successful appraisal. My beliefs and values are something I keep out of the workplace, as some people I support and work alongside have different views to me, which I need to respect in a professional manner. What I believe in and value are a part of who I am as a person, and the akin goes for others, and then as a professional I must provide the same quality of support to each individual, not just those who believe in the same things I do.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Avoiding Cross-Cultural Miscommunication Essay

In the current era of globalization, national boundaries are losing meaning and much and more companies now move over their operations spread across various countries of the globe. Multi national companies now operate across different continents and it is typical of a comp all to exact head quarters in one country but be present in multiple counties at the same time. This means that these multi national companies clear to adapt to the culture of the company they are operating in.Also, the work force of such companies is an amalgamation of the pop offical anesthetic people along with some foreign workers and managers so effective communication and smooth operations are only possible if culture is well understood. However, this is non as simple as it seems and cross heathenish miscommunications are harmful. Cross heathenish miscommunication is not only detrimental to the working environment of the organization but it can likewise lead to a nonstarter of the company as a who le in the rules of order. To avoid any miscommunication, we first lead to examine what culture is made up of.Artifacts, rituals, Stories, histories, myths, legends, jokes, and ceremonies are cultural symbols. By noticing these things and peoples reactions to them we can figure out the cultural norms and values and can avoid transgressing any boundaries. Ethnocentrism is the belief that ones have got race, culture or ethnic group is superior to the rest and the tendency to deal like this is greater in MNCs. Many foreign managers or workers think in this manner and antagonize their co workers. This can be over come by encouraging inter cultural communication so that any mis substantiateings or predetermined notions or stereo types may be removed.Also, if a cooperative culture is promoted at work and people taught to appreciate/criticize ideas or else than people, this problem may be solved. We also need to examine the interrelationship between positionings, values, customs and b eliefs and culture. A culture shapes the attitudes, values and beliefs of a person and the actions and preferences of the society (that are directly dependant upon the belief) make up the culture. Hence, this shows that there is a two relationship. For instance, the Japanese have a very serious attitude around work and they believe in hard work so working meticulously is a part of their culture.Similarly, the Muslim culture is conservative so they have a negative attitude towards men and women shaking hands and the believe it to be immoral. Global companies need to adopt a glocal strategy meaning that they need to amend their global strategy according to the local culture and norms. Before a company enters a new country, formal market research should be conducted in order to make a customer profile according to which the product and promotion strategies will then be designed. International companies should be bendable to minor flips in the product so as to meet the local demands. Pizza hut has been successful all over the world for they have catered to the local taste in every country. For instance, it is spicier in the subcontinent and in countries such as India where people avoid meat there is large vegetarian and cheese variety. The promotion strategies should also be according to the native culture. Companies should keep in mind that International brand cannot have the same advertising everywhere due to different cultures. When companies are entering a foreign culture, they should be aware of customs, traditions in general and in particular they should know about the psychology of the people.Companies should be aware of the attitude of the people towards work and the products/service the company has to offer. Understanding the local workforce is important for a company because an effective workforce is integral for success and it is all important(p) to design jobs, compensation packages and motivators that appeal to them. Attitudes toward work, leisure, time, change, family, social mobility and religion play a vital role in shaping the culture. In a collectivist culture, family is the top priority and the much of the leisure time is spent with family.In a society where family ties are weak, work and friends have a greater importance so the culture is an individualist one. In some cultures, there is greater emphasis on work and such people are hard workers by temper and their work is meticulous. The Chinese culture is a classical example of how hard work is an element of the national culture. The physical environment of a place influences the culture of that place as physical conditions such as the weather affect the life style of the people. The architecture of a place also reflects the culture. barely, it is important to understand the verbal and non verbal elements of a culture.For instance, the Arabs like to kiss on the cheeks when they meet even during formal meetings but in a British culture, this would be exceedingly inap propriate. Similarly, maintaining eye contact is a non verbal cue, in some cultures it would be a symbol of courage while in others it will be considered insolent. Moreover education and technology are linked to the culture and this is evident by the fact that some cultures such as the Japanese lay stress on innovating and developing technology where as some have a laid back attitude. Some cultures lay stress on education and that is evident by the high literacy levels there.Lastly, media has a two way relationship with culture mass media not only depicts the culture but it also leads to cultural change in the society. The success of any company also depends on the political and legal system of that country. In countries where there is political turbulence or the policies do not support foreign investment, survival becomes tough for the company as is the case in third world countries like Bangladesh where there is a frequent change in governments that leads to changes in policies to o. References Brown, A. (1995). Organizational Culture. Pitman, London.Charles M. and Yongsun, P. (2006). Managing a Global Workforce Challenges and Opportunities in International Human Resource Management. M. E . Sharpe Dong, Q. , Day, K. D. (2001). Overcoming Ethnocentrism through Developing Intercultural communication sensitivity and Multi culturism. Retrieved on January 16,2009 from http//www. allacademic. com David Straker. Elements of Culture. Retrieved on January 15, 2009 From www. changingminds. org Kwintessential Cross Cultural Solutions. Cross Cultural Communications. Retrieved on January 15, 2009 from http//www. kwintessential. co. uk

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Easycar Swot Essay

EasyCar is one of the companies under the easyGroup trademark name created by Stelios Haji-Ioannou. It is the fastest ontogeny gondola rental company in Europe because it set ups value for money. This is achieved by simplifying the railcar, and passing on the benefits to the customer in the form of a secondaryer price. This low cost car rental idea is not for every consumer. Since the market is segmented into trade and unemployed travelers easyCar tries to focus all of its efforts to the price sensitive leisure segment. It has taken them two years for easyCar to break even, and Stelios intends to quadruple its sales in the next two years.Swot AnalysisStrengthsLeverage on established brand reputation of easyJet (by easyGroup) EasyCar is a member of the easyGroup brand which first sticked the easyJet air carrier. The other companies under the easyGroup umbrella mimic the low cost, no frills business strategy. This business model has been quite successful in the rental car ind ustry, has a presence in the internet caf industry, and easyCinema is evaluate to be launched soon.Competency of Stellos Stelios Haji-Ioannou is an entrepreneur who founded easyJet, and has been expanding the easyGroup brand. Stelios is set forth as a flamboyant entrepreneur who has been aggressive in expanding his brand into many different industries that fit his low cost, no frills business model. Stellos excellence is a direct reason of how easyJet broke even after two years of operations.No agent (disintermediation) EasyCar has been satisfactory to maximize the amount of revenue they receive because they give c are with the majority of the bookings themselves. For other rental car companies ninety percent of their bookings are made by agents (intermediaries), and these agents require a portion of their sales. EasyCar manages 100% of its rentals so it is able to gain the maximum amount of revenue.90% utilization of assets There are three main strategies that easyCar utilizes to gain the highest utilization rate out of the major car rental companies. Firstly, their information system evaluates projected demand, and expected utilization quite accurately, and adjusts price accordingly. Secondly, they tho offer one car type on severally lot. The customers know that and they will automatically be matched to any car in the fleet. This removes the risk of decreased utilization as a result of customer plucking certain cars over others. Finally, they offer demand based pricing. This ensures that for any given demand the maximum number of cars are rented out.WeaknessesOnly one type of car Having one type of car can also be seen as a negative to customers because it offers them no choice. If customers value selection and quality over price then they will not rent from easyCar. Process of car overchargeing up is time consuming for customers, given the low staffing levels When a customer wants to pick up a car they usually have to wait between a half hour and a n hour at the lot to finally pick up their car. This inhibits the companys ability to sell more in a day, and the customers become dissatisfied from waiting. Public relations issues regarding its policies The Office of Fair calling has passed legislation stating that easyCar has to grant customers seven days form the time they made a booking to cancel it and receive a full refund. The company is scared that this process will inhibit their plans for a 2004 IPO.They have also received bad press from their clean car policy. The company requires the car to be fully cleaned when returned, and its very strict regarding this policy. They have received some bad press, but 85% of their fleet are returned with an acceptable amount of cleanliness. Finally, there are many additional charges that are explained in the fine print. When easyCar first opened they received a lot of bad press because they didnt explain their cost clearly. Recently they have been trying to make their charges more tr ansparent to the customer.OpportunitiesExpand into other European markets Experts of the car rental industry feel that Europe is skilful for consolidation. This is significant since it will allow easyCar to work together in different countries across Europe and further strengthen its brand.Broaden the fleet size to offer customers more choices To further expand easyCars market share they could offer more selection. Customers value choice, but this is only realistically possible if the prices remain low.Further develop the one hour car rental service provider To compete with local transportation like buses and cabs they can target citizens of each city who only want to rent a car for an hour or a short amount of time to complete less time consuming tasks.Threats good Challenges If the company is unable to amend the seven day full refund law than there could be serious consequences. The utilization rate would be expected to fall from 90% to 65%, and it could also delay their expected 2004 IPO. There is also legal criticism with the posting of peoples faces on the website who have overdue cars. tilt There are several internationally recognized car rental companies, and domestic companies that easyCar competes with. For example, domestic or national companies usually account for 50% of their expanses sales. New low cost companies are going to be popping up since they have seen the success of easyCar, thus easyCar needs to widen its paste between its competitors.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Edward Elgar †Violin Concerto in B Minor, Op. 61, No.1 Essay

Violin Concerto in B minor, Op.61 is one of the nigh well-kn knowledge concerto works which composited by Edward Elgar. Elgar first composited this masterpiece and dedicated to Fritz Kreisler, a known violinist and composer of early 20th century. On the 10 November 1910, Kreisler played this violin concerto as the first violin player on the premiere with Elgar conducted the concert. This concerto brought Elgar to another but last peak of his composition career. Also, this is one of his most popular and representative works. Violin Concerto in B minor, Op.61 is a piece that Elgar had put tons of his own emotions and personal feelings into the melodies.In the article, Charles Sanford Terry and Elgars Violin Concerto which introduced by Alison I. Shiel in Edward Elgar and His World, Shiel mentioned, Scholars have subjected the concerto itself to exposit analysis, much of it in terms of the gender of it various themes, the implication being that the melodies are meant to represent s ome romantic entanglement of Elgars, past of present. The first movement of the concerto is a beautiful sonata with few related themes which shift in various manners.You can find out the tutti and soloist somehow at a point besides presenting two different melodic ideas at the same time. The solo part perfectly expresses the love and the nomenclature in the Windflower poem. Beautiful violin positions shifting and the soft bowings complete the feelings of romantic relationship. This is no way for people to question love like this after listening to this masterpiece from Elgar, which presented his love to the one.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Female Sex Offenders

Years ago sex offenders were majorly male. In fact it was un unwrapable of for a female to even be thought of as a sex offender. Today we hear of more women being arrested for molestation, incest, and other sex curses. All too a good deal teachers are being form guilty of having relationships with their underage students. Female sex offenders suffer not gotten as much attention as male sex offenders. It is because of this that the offenders cannot be studied as thoroughly as males. Incest is a common crime among female sex offenders.Often these women are abused themselves. Women who molested children independently were more likely than women who molested with an accomplice to have been severely molested themselves prior to age 10 (Lawson, 332). The male children are often embarrassed and do not always tell anyone about the abuse, and it is not uncommon for them to tone of voice guilt about what is happening to them. Females unravel to choose younger boys within their own famil ies, perhaps to them it is a safer choice.Female offenders are not often violent towards their victims. The females often have problems with social relationships. The families of the girls were described as dysfunctional and chaotic (Roe-Sepowitz and Krysik, 406). The females are lull and withdrawn often isolating themselves from the rest of the world. They have problems with fellow classmates and sometimes have issues showing animal(prenominal) aggression as well. In some cases women begin having suicidal ideations, depression, and try self-mutilation (Roe-Sepowitz and Krysik, 406).The females that commit sex crimes likewise have a high chance of having a drug problem or becoming an intoxicant abuser (Roe-Sepowitz and Krysik, 407). When treating female sex offenders physicians need to concentrate not only on the offense however the reasons behind these offenses. These women are often abused themselves. They also need help with their other mental issues. The general psychiatr ic problem needs to be addressed. Unique interventions for female sexual offenders must include reflexion for gender issues such as heir sexual and physical development, intimacy, and social skills, self image, self-esteem, impulsivity, and common social expectations of girls to be the caregiver-nurture. (Roe-Sepowitz and Krysik, 411). Female sex offenders are usually victims themselves. All too often their crimes go unreported. Whether it is because the victims feel guilty or because the victims think it is natural for such things to happen. Regardless, the female perpetrators should be studied too higher extent. Studies should be done to determine why these women are committing such heinous crimes.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Experiment 1: Calorimetry

Experiment 1 Calorimetry Nadya Patrica E. Sauza, Jelica D. Estacio Institute of Chemistry, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon metropolis 1101 Philippines Results and discussion Eight Styrofoam ball calorimeters were calibrated. Five milliliters of 1M hydrochloric acid (HCl) was reacted with 10 ml of 1M sodium hydroxide (NaOH) in individually calorimeter. The temperature before and after the reply were recorded the change in temperature (? T) was calculated by subtracting the sign temperature from the utmost temperature. The reply was performed twice for every calorimeter.The hotness strength (Ccal) of to each one calorimeter was calculated using the formula, C_cal=(- H? _rxno n_LR)/? T1 where ? Horxn is the total inflame absorbed or evolved for every mole of reaction and nLR is the descend of moles of the moderate reactant. The ? Horxn apply was -55. 8kJ per mole of water while the nLR was 0. 005 mole. Table 1. Average Ccal from recorded ? T value. struggle? T, (oC)Ccal, (J)Ave Ccal, (J) 112. 2126. 82202. 91 21. 0279. 00 213. 093. 00108. 50 22. 3124. 00 310. 5558. 00558. 00 20. 5558. 00 412. 0139. 50244. 13 20. 8348. 75 513. 093. 0081. 38 24. 069. 75 612. 0139. 50209. 25 21. 0279. 00 712. 111. 60111. 60 22. 5111. 60 813. 093. 00116. 25 22. 0139. 50 diametric heat capacities were calculated for each calorimeter (Table 1). After calibration, a reaction was performed in a calorimeter by each pair. A total of eight reactions were observed by the whole class. The temperature before and after the reaction were recorded. accordingly the change in temperature was calculated. Each reaction was performed twice to produce two trials. The experimental ? Horxn for each reaction was exercised using the formula, H? _rxno=(-C_cal ? T)/n_LR 2 where Ccal is the heat capacity previously calculated for each calorimeter.The per centumage fracture for each reaction was computed by comparing the computed experimental ? Horxn to the suppositious ? Hor xn using the formula, % wrongdoing=(computed-theoretical)/theoretical? 100% 3 Table 2. Comparison of calculated ? Horxn and theoretical ? Horxn. RxnLRTrial? T, (oC)? Horxn, (kJ/mol)Ave ? Horxn, (kJ/mol)Theo ? Horxn, (kJ/mol)% break 1HCl13. 5-142. 04-131. 89-132. 510. 47 23. 0-121. 75 2HOAc11. 3-26. 34-41. 61-56. 0924. 65 22. 7-56. 89 3HOAc11. 8-189. 61-203. 16-52. 47287. 18 22. 0-216. 70 4HNO311. 5-73. 24-70. 80-55. 8426. 78 21. 4-68. 36 5Mg13. 0-118. 67-138. 45-466. 8570. 34 24. 0-158. 23 6Mg15. 5-559. 4-635. 72-953. 1133. 30 27. 0-712. 01 7Zn13. 0-43. 80-43. 80-218. 6679. 97 23. 0-43. 80 8CaCl210. 00. 00-5. 8113. 07144. 47 20. 5-11. 63 There were difference of opinions in experimental and theoretical values of ? Horxn as shown by the percent error for each reaction (table 2). The discrepancies were ca utilise by m whatsoever performers. One factor was the loss of heat. The heat whitethorn stimulate been force outd when the thermometer was pushed or pulled during the reaction. The heat may also take over been lost because the calorimeter is not totally isolated. another(prenominal) factor was the dilution of the root word. The pipette or test tube may still assimilate been wet when used.However, the submersion used in solving for values was the concentration of the undiluted solution. some other factor that may deport contributed to the difference in the experimental and theoretical values was human error. It was manifested when reading the thermometer or measuring chemicals with different instruments. The factors same are the limitations of this experiment. References Petrucci, R. H. Herring, F. G. Madura, J. D. Bissonnette, C. General Chemistry, 10th ed. Pearson Education Canada, 2011 Chapter 7. Appendices Appendix A Comparison of Observed and supposed Heats of replys RxnLRTrial? TnLRqrxn?HorxnAve ? HorxnTheo ? Horxn% Error 1HCl13. 500. 00500-710. 19-142. 04-131. 89-132. 510. 47 23. 000. 00500-608. 73-121. 75 2HOAc11. 250. 00515-135. 63-26 . 34-41. 61-56. 0924. 65 22. 700. 00515-292. 95-56. 89 3HOAc11. 750. 00515-976. 50-189. 61-203. 16-52. 47287. 18 22. 000. 00515-1116. 00-216. 70 4HNO311. 500. 00500-366. 19-73. 24-70. 80-55. 8426. 78 21. 400. 00500-341. 78-68. 36 5Mg13. 000. 00206-244. 13-118. 67-138. 45-466. 8570. 34 24. 000. 00206-325. 50-158. 23 6Mg15. 500. 00206-1150. 88-559. 44-635. 72-953. 1133. 30 27. 000. 00206-1464. 75-712. 01 7Zn13. 000. 00764-334. 80-43. 80-43. 80-218. 6679. 97 23. 000. 00764-334. 80-43. 0 8Na2CO3/ CaCl210. 000. 005000. 000. 00-5. 8113. 07144. 47 20. 500. 00500-58. 13-11. 63 Appendix B Sample Calculations standardisation of Calorimeter 10ml 1M NaOH + 5ml 1M HCl n. i. e. OH-(aq) + H+(aq) ? H2O(l)? Horxn= -55. 8kJ LR HCLnLR= 0. 005mol Grp 1 Trial 1 ?T= 2. 2oC soln C_cal=(- H? _rxno n_LR)/? T C_cal=(-(-55. 8kJ)(0. 005mol))/(? 2. 2? o C)? 1000J/1kJ ?(C_cal=126. 82 J) Determination of Heats of reply Neutralization Reaction Rxn 4 Trial 1 10ml 1M NaOH + 5ml 1M HNO3 n. i. e. OH-(aq) + H+(aq) ? H2O(l) LR HNO3nLR= 0. 005mol ?T= 1. 5oCCcal= 244. 125 J Soln H? _rxno=(-C_cal ? T)/n_LR H? _rxno=(-(244. 25J)(? 1. 5? o C))/0. 005mol? 1kJ/1000J ? ( H? _rxno=-73. 24kJ) Reaction between an Active Metal and an Acid Rxn 5 Trial 1 15ml 1M HCl+ 0. 05g Mg n. i. e. 2H+(aq) + Mg(s) ? Mg+2(aq) + H2(g) LR MgnLR= 0. 00206mol ?T= 3oCCcal= 81. 375 J Soln H? _rxno=(-C_cal ? T)/n_LR H? _rxno=(-(81. 375J)(3o C))/0. 00206mol? 1kJ/1000J ?( H? _rxno=-118. 67kJ) Displacement of One Metal by Another Rxn 7 Trial 1 15ml 1M CuSO4 + 0. 5g Zn n. i. e. Cu+2(aq) + Zn(s) ? Zn+2(aq) + Cu(s) LR ZnnLR= 0. 00764mol ?T= 3oCCcal= 111. 6 J Soln H? _rxno=(-C_cal ? T)/n_LR H? _rxno=(-(111. 6J)(3o C))/0. 00764mol? 1kJ/1000J ?( H? rxno=-43. 80kJ) Precipitation Reaction Rxn 8 Trial 1 10ml 0. 5M Na2CO3 + 5ml 1M CaCl2 n. i. e. CO3-2(aq) + Ca+2(aq) ? CaCO3(s) LR Na2CO3/ CaCl2nLR= 0. 005mol ?T= 0. 5oCCcal= 116. 25 J Soln H? _rxno=(-C_cal ? T)/n_LR H? _rxno=(-(116. 25J)(? 0. 5? o C))/0. 005mol? 1kJ/1000J ? ( H? _ rxno=-11. 63kJ) Appendix C Answers to the Questions in the lab Manual There are many possibilities that explain the discrepancy of the experimental and theoretical values of ? Horxn. First, heat cleverness have been lost to the surroundings. This is possible whenever the thermometer is pulled out or pushed in the calorimeter during the reaction.Also, the calorimeter might not have been thoroughly isolated. Second, the solution might have been diluted in the test tube or pipette. They might have been wet when used with the solution. Lastly, the discrepancies might have occurred due to human error. The students might have misconceive the thermometer when taking the temperature or the pipette when measuring the solutions. a. It is important to keep the total volume of the resulting solution to 15ml because any more or any less than that of the volume can contribute to the absorption or release of additional heat therefore affecting the ? Horxn. b.It is important to know the exact co ncentrations of the reactants to solve for their soma of moles and to see out the limiting reactant. c. It is important to know the exact weight of the metal solids used to solve for their number of moles and to find out whether one of them is a limiting reactant. Also, the weight is needed to solve for the heat capacity of the solid when the specific heat is given. 200ml 0. 5M HA + NaOH ? -6. 0kJ LR HAnLR= 0. 1mole H? _(rxn,mol)o= (-6. 0 kJ)/(0. 1 mol) ?( H? _(rxn,mol)o= -60 kJ) HA is a strong acid. OH-(aq) + H+(aq) ? H2O(l)? Horxn= -60 kJ/mole Calibration15ml 2. M HCl + 5ml 2. 0M NaOH? T=5. 60oC LR NaOHnLR= 0. 01mole Reaction20ml 0. 450M CuSO4 + 0. 264g Zn? T=8. 83oC LR ZnnLR= 0. 00404mole n. i. e. OH-(aq) + H+(aq) ? H2O(l) n. i. e. Cu+2(aq) + Zn(s) ? Zn+2(aq) + Cu(s) C_cal=(- H? _rxno n_LR)/? T C_cal=(-(-55. 8kJ)(0. 01mol))/(? 5. 60? o C)? 1000J/1kJ ?(C_cal=99. 6 J) H? _rxno=(-C_cal ? T)/n_LR H? _rxno=(-(99. 6J)(? 8. 83? o C))/0. 00404mol? 1kJ/1000J ? ( H? _rxno=-218. 0 kJ ) OH-(aq) + H+(aq) ? H2O(l)? Horxn= -55. 8kJ ?Hof,H2O= -285 kJ ?Hof,OH-= ? ?Horxn= ? Hof,product ? Hof,reactant -55. 8 kJ = ? Hof,OH- (-285 kJ) ?( H? _(f,? OH? -)o=-218. 0 kJ)Experiment 1 CalorimetryExperiment 1 Calorimetry Nadya Patrica E. Sauza, Jelica D. Estacio Institute of Chemistry, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City 1101 Philippines Results and Discussion Eight Styrofoam ball calorimeters were calibrated. Five milliliters of 1M hydrochloric acid (HCl) was reacted with 10 ml of 1M sodium hydroxide (NaOH) in each calorimeter. The temperature before and after the reaction were recorded the change in temperature (? T) was calculated by subtracting the initial temperature from the final temperature. The reaction was performed twice for every calorimeter.The heat capacity (Ccal) of each calorimeter was calculated using the formula, C_cal=(- H? _rxno n_LR)/? T1 where ? Horxn is the total heat absorbed or evolved for every mole of reaction and nLR is the number of moles of the limiting reactant. The ? Horxn used was -55. 8kJ per mole of water while the nLR was 0. 005 mole. Table 1. Average Ccal from recorded ? T values. Trial? T, (oC)Ccal, (J)Ave Ccal, (J) 112. 2126. 82202. 91 21. 0279. 00 213. 093. 00108. 50 22. 3124. 00 310. 5558. 00558. 00 20. 5558. 00 412. 0139. 50244. 13 20. 8348. 75 513. 093. 0081. 38 24. 069. 75 612. 0139. 50209. 25 21. 0279. 00 712. 111. 60111. 60 22. 5111. 60 813. 093. 00116. 25 22. 0139. 50 Different heat capacities were calculated for each calorimeter (Table 1). After calibration, a reaction was performed in a calorimeter by each pair. A total of eight reactions were observed by the whole class. The temperature before and after the reaction were recorded. Then the change in temperature was calculated. Each reaction was performed twice to produce two trials. The experimental ? Horxn for each reaction was solved using the formula, H? _rxno=(-C_cal ? T)/n_LR 2 where Ccal is the heat capacity previously calculated for each calorimeter.The percent error for each reaction was computed by comparing the computed experimental ? Horxn to the theoretical ? Horxn using the formula, % error=(computed-theoretical)/theoretical? 100% 3 Table 2. Comparison of calculated ? Horxn and theoretical ? Horxn. RxnLRTrial? T, (oC)? Horxn, (kJ/mol)Ave ? Horxn, (kJ/mol)Theo ? Horxn, (kJ/mol)% Error 1HCl13. 5-142. 04-131. 89-132. 510. 47 23. 0-121. 75 2HOAc11. 3-26. 34-41. 61-56. 0924. 65 22. 7-56. 89 3HOAc11. 8-189. 61-203. 16-52. 47287. 18 22. 0-216. 70 4HNO311. 5-73. 24-70. 80-55. 8426. 78 21. 4-68. 36 5Mg13. 0-118. 67-138. 45-466. 8570. 34 24. 0-158. 23 6Mg15. 5-559. 4-635. 72-953. 1133. 30 27. 0-712. 01 7Zn13. 0-43. 80-43. 80-218. 6679. 97 23. 0-43. 80 8CaCl210. 00. 00-5. 8113. 07144. 47 20. 5-11. 63 There were differences in experimental and theoretical values of ? Horxn as shown by the percent error for each reaction (table 2). The discrepancies were caused by many factors. One factor was the loss of heat. The he at may have been released when the thermometer was pushed or pulled during the reaction. The heat may also have been lost because the calorimeter is not totally isolated. Another factor was the dilution of the solution. The pipette or test tube may still have been wet when used.However, the concentration used in solving for values was the concentration of the undiluted solution. Another factor that may have contributed to the difference in the experimental and theoretical values was human error. It was manifested when reading the thermometer or measuring chemicals with different instruments. The factors aforementioned are the limitations of this experiment. References Petrucci, R. H. Herring, F. G. Madura, J. D. Bissonnette, C. General Chemistry, 10th ed. Pearson Education Canada, 2011 Chapter 7. Appendices Appendix A Comparison of Observed and Theoretical Heats of Reactions RxnLRTrial? TnLRqrxn?HorxnAve ? HorxnTheo ? Horxn% Error 1HCl13. 500. 00500-710. 19-142. 04-131. 89-132. 510. 47 23. 000. 00500-608. 73-121. 75 2HOAc11. 250. 00515-135. 63-26. 34-41. 61-56. 0924. 65 22. 700. 00515-292. 95-56. 89 3HOAc11. 750. 00515-976. 50-189. 61-203. 16-52. 47287. 18 22. 000. 00515-1116. 00-216. 70 4HNO311. 500. 00500-366. 19-73. 24-70. 80-55. 8426. 78 21. 400. 00500-341. 78-68. 36 5Mg13. 000. 00206-244. 13-118. 67-138. 45-466. 8570. 34 24. 000. 00206-325. 50-158. 23 6Mg15. 500. 00206-1150. 88-559. 44-635. 72-953. 1133. 30 27. 000. 00206-1464. 75-712. 01 7Zn13. 000. 00764-334. 80-43. 80-43. 80-218. 6679. 97 23. 000. 00764-334. 80-43. 0 8Na2CO3/ CaCl210. 000. 005000. 000. 00-5. 8113. 07144. 47 20. 500. 00500-58. 13-11. 63 Appendix B Sample Calculations Calibration of Calorimeter 10ml 1M NaOH + 5ml 1M HCl n. i. e. OH-(aq) + H+(aq) ? H2O(l)? Horxn= -55. 8kJ LR HCLnLR= 0. 005mol Grp 1 Trial 1 ?T= 2. 2oC Soln C_cal=(- H? _rxno n_LR)/? T C_cal=(-(-55. 8kJ)(0. 005mol))/(? 2. 2? o C)? 1000J/1kJ ?(C_cal=126. 82 J) Determination of Heats of Reaction Neutralization Reaction Rx n 4 Trial 1 10ml 1M NaOH + 5ml 1M HNO3 n. i. e. OH-(aq) + H+(aq) ? H2O(l) LR HNO3nLR= 0. 005mol ?T= 1. 5oCCcal= 244. 125 J Soln H? _rxno=(-C_cal ? T)/n_LR H? _rxno=(-(244. 25J)(? 1. 5? o C))/0. 005mol? 1kJ/1000J ? ( H? _rxno=-73. 24kJ) Reaction between an Active Metal and an Acid Rxn 5 Trial 1 15ml 1M HCl+ 0. 05g Mg n. i. e. 2H+(aq) + Mg(s) ? Mg+2(aq) + H2(g) LR MgnLR= 0. 00206mol ?T= 3oCCcal= 81. 375 J Soln H? _rxno=(-C_cal ? T)/n_LR H? _rxno=(-(81. 375J)(3o C))/0. 00206mol? 1kJ/1000J ?( H? _rxno=-118. 67kJ) Displacement of One Metal by Another Rxn 7 Trial 1 15ml 1M CuSO4 + 0. 5g Zn n. i. e. Cu+2(aq) + Zn(s) ? Zn+2(aq) + Cu(s) LR ZnnLR= 0. 00764mol ?T= 3oCCcal= 111. 6 J Soln H? _rxno=(-C_cal ? T)/n_LR H? _rxno=(-(111. 6J)(3o C))/0. 00764mol? 1kJ/1000J ?( H? rxno=-43. 80kJ) Precipitation Reaction Rxn 8 Trial 1 10ml 0. 5M Na2CO3 + 5ml 1M CaCl2 n. i. e. CO3-2(aq) + Ca+2(aq) ? CaCO3(s) LR Na2CO3/ CaCl2nLR= 0. 005mol ?T= 0. 5oCCcal= 116. 25 J Soln H? _rxno=(-C_cal ? T)/n_LR H? _rxno=(-(116. 25J)(? 0. 5? o C))/0. 005mol? 1kJ/1000J ? ( H? _rxno=-11. 63kJ) Appendix C Answers to the Questions in the Lab Manual There are many possibilities that explain the discrepancy of the experimental and theoretical values of ? Horxn. First, heat might have been lost to the surroundings. This is possible whenever the thermometer is pulled out or pushed in the calorimeter during the reaction.Also, the calorimeter might not have been thoroughly isolated. Second, the solution might have been diluted in the test tube or pipette. They might have been wet when used with the solution. Lastly, the discrepancies might have occurred due to human error. The students might have misread the thermometer when taking the temperature or the pipette when measuring the solutions. a. It is important to keep the total volume of the resulting solution to 15ml because any more or any less than that of the volume can contribute to the absorption or release of additional heat therefore affectin g the ? Horxn. b.It is important to know the exact concentrations of the reactants to solve for their number of moles and to find out the limiting reactant. c. It is important to know the exact weight of the metal solids used to solve for their number of moles and to find out whether one of them is a limiting reactant. Also, the weight is needed to solve for the heat capacity of the solid when the specific heat is given. 200ml 0. 5M HA + NaOH ? -6. 0kJ LR HAnLR= 0. 1mole H? _(rxn,mol)o= (-6. 0 kJ)/(0. 1 mol) ?( H? _(rxn,mol)o= -60 kJ) HA is a strong acid. OH-(aq) + H+(aq) ? H2O(l)? Horxn= -60 kJ/mole Calibration15ml 2. M HCl + 5ml 2. 0M NaOH? T=5. 60oC LR NaOHnLR= 0. 01mole Reaction20ml 0. 450M CuSO4 + 0. 264g Zn? T=8. 83oC LR ZnnLR= 0. 00404mole n. i. e. OH-(aq) + H+(aq) ? H2O(l) n. i. e. Cu+2(aq) + Zn(s) ? Zn+2(aq) + Cu(s) C_cal=(- H? _rxno n_LR)/? T C_cal=(-(-55. 8kJ)(0. 01mol))/(? 5. 60? o C)? 1000J/1kJ ?(C_cal=99. 6 J) H? _rxno=(-C_cal ? T)/n_LR H? _rxno=(-(99. 6J)(? 8. 83 ? o C))/0. 00404mol? 1kJ/1000J ? ( H? _rxno=-218. 0 kJ) OH-(aq) + H+(aq) ? H2O(l)? Horxn= -55. 8kJ ?Hof,H2O= -285 kJ ?Hof,OH-= ? ?Horxn= ? Hof,product ? Hof,reactant -55. 8 kJ = ? Hof,OH- (-285 kJ) ?( H? _(f,? OH? -)o=-218. 0 kJ)

Friday, May 17, 2019

Rich vs. Poor

? A mans economic status is based solely on his wealth and his material possessions, or insufficiency thereof to subtend him as being cryptic or brusk. Similarly, these two words, rich or poor, should also describe a mans pillowcase. Rich is characterized as having a lot of money or possessions valuable, meaningful, or significant. short is characterized as deficient in amount or indicating poverty. Yet, when we look at a man or woman, do we judge them by their wealth or by the richness or poorness in their character? Through observations of the rich, a man or woman who has harbored richness often generation atomic number 18 lacking in character traits that makes up a good man or women. For example, Donald Trump as a billionaire is shrewd in making money and his personality is one of hostility. We all are known with his famous two words, Youre fired Donald Trump, although rich as a child, never grasps the fundamental character traits of kindness, gentleness and peace. We can come to this conclusion based on the number of times he was married.This steers the lack of character Donald Trump has because a marriage should be a long term commitment, and it was easy for him to wee up on numerous of his marriages for the next pretty woman who came by in his life. I intrust that most commonwealth, like Donald Trump, who are rich in material possessions, typically are poor in character. They tend to be very aggressive toward others, not taking into consideration the feelings of others. Most rich people remind me of Ebenezer Scrooge, an unpopular, grumpy, elderly British male human. He was a banker and a usurious moneylender.He worked at a counting house. He was disgusted by the poor and praised workhouses. And he hated Christmas The point here is, during the iniquity before Christmas, Scrooge was visited by four timbres, who showed him that he hadnt always been so miserable, that he should love Christmas, and that his actions possess massive conseque nces, and if he didnt change his ways, it would be all the worse for him Many rich people throng a similar attitude of superiority and that there is no need to demonstrate acts of kindness to anyone that is financially below them. Consequently, a man who is poor in material possessions some(prenominal) times is rich in character, which is spiritually defined as the clubhouse fruits of the spirit love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control. Having friends and family members who grew up poor and who worked hard to survive to obtain material possessions, their character was strengthened or made rich as a result of it. They had to do the jobs that many rich people would never do, such as being a maid, construction worker, janitor and many more domestic type jobs.Although they differ in terms of definition, being rich and being poor in character can be one of the same as poor in spirit or humble. For example, my great grandmother was an Indian w ho was very poor, but you never would select known it because she was humble, kind, loving and a peaceful woman who always shared everything she had. ? With bug out a doubt, those who are rich and those that are poor, in terms of material possession, share a similarity the desire to be rich or richer. No one really wants to be poor. Those who are rich are rich through inheritance or stimulate mastered the know-how to become rich. Such as Prince Williams, who obtained his wealth from his mother and father, Princess Diana and Prince Charles of Whales. Those who are poor consent lived in poverty, for the most part, all of their lives. Many of them have not mastered the know-how to obtain riches. This is evident from looking at at the statistics in the inner cities and in very rural areas. Regardless of their economic status, however, one desires to be rich and the other desires to be richer.The poor would like to live a stress free life-style without worrying if there will be foo d on the table, and the rich want to obtain their fortunes as well as continuing to have their success grow. ?In terms of how the rich communicate with others, the rich typically show confidence and are normally very secured individuals. The rich communication skills have embellished their exponent to obtain wealth and to succeed at many other aspects in their life. The Rich, like Donald Trump have many people looking up to them. So its almost a responsibility to show no fear and to take charge in everything they do.If Donald Trump were to show lack of Confidence many people would not respect him or believe he had the skills to succeed as a multi billionaire. ?On the other hand, in terms of how the poor communicate with others they generally lack confidence and many times they are very insecure. The poors communication skills are generally slang, bad grammar, or spigot which decreases their ability to communicate effectively. My cousin Brittney, who grew up in North Philadelphia, was surrounded in bad neighborhoods, moderate down schools, and no one to look up to.When her mother finally decided to get her out of the area it was very difficult for my cousin to adapt to a better lifestyle. Brittney was use to the ghetto lifestyle that she notion it was the norm. When Brittneys mother enrolled her into a public school in Fairfax it was a challenging scene for Brittney. She didnt know how to interact with the other children because her dialect was nothing like theirs and she was not secure with who she was. Therefore she upset all hope and confidence.There are several ways to work on ones confidence but they have to be willing to work on them. ?Being rich or being poor, as Webster dictionary defines it, does not determine a mans richness or poorness in his or her character but defines it as his economic status. Therefore, regardless of your material possessions, we should all strive to achieve the nine fruits of the spirit. Then we can honestly say that we a re rich and/or poor. Its up to us to follow acts of kindness, whether we are rich or poor, if we want to achieve a better quality of life.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Airtel HRM

Because we toilettefulnot provide ARTES personnel replacement graph we have made our own overview which we belief that must be a little similar to not only AIRTIME only excessively all other companies in BANGLADESH. The in a higher place figure has 2 approaches they are woo 1 The first is the traditional approach. Create a chart for each bend group similar to the one shown in Figure 1. For each worker, identify at least three back-ups.Indicate by a code whether each worker can do the all in all military control at present or if the individual needs special training. (A typical code is RAN = bushel now as a replacement RI ? Needs six months of on the Job development to be ready and RE = Needs one year of on the job development. ) Next to the code, managers can indicate what additional training or practical experience might be needed so that the worker can successfully perform all aspects of the work. This chart can be drafted in a group backcloth or by a manager and then shared more widely for reaction and improvement. Approach 2The second is a more detailed approach and is based on the so-called DIDACTIC ontogenesis a Curriculum. (For more detailed information about the approach, see http//www. Dacca. Org. ) While DIDACTIC has traditionally been utilize to pinpoint the work activities of one Job or occupation, it can likewise be more creatively used to list all the work activities of a department or division. DIDACTIC is quite simple. animadvert of it as based on structured brainstorming. Call all the workers of a department or ply unit to layher?that can be done by shift?and ask them what they do all(prenominal) day regardless of their respective Jobs.Place each work activity, beginning with a verb, on a sensation sheet of paper and post it on a wall for everyone to see. (Examples of work activities might include meets with potential donors, advises the programming board, or updates the website. ) When conducting a DIDACTIC session, it is most useful for one person to facilitate and some(prenominal) others to write down the work activities and post them on the wall. Once the brainstorming is finished, the activities can be nonionised into categories. The result of this session will be a map of all the work activities?essentially, a humble Job description?of a unit or department.Once that (perhaps lengthy) list of work activities has been identified, it is then possible to strain each task to indicate which employees?and how many?perform those activities. Such a comprehensive list of work activities can guide cross-training and on-the-Job training to plan replacements. This approach can also be stabilising in identifying and attempting to eliminate time-wasting work activities. It can also reduce the time it takes to train replacements by devising clear exactly what work is done. The Job map can be translated into a checklist to guide, and effectively accelerate, on-the-Job cross-training.Such documentation of t raining will then aid managers in holding employees accountable for knowing what to do. progression means to give a higher present, status, salary and responsibility to the employee. So, the vacancy can be alter by promoting a suitable candidate from the same transcription. TRANSFER Transfer means a modify in the place of employment without any change in the position, status, salary and responsibility of the employee. So, the vacancy can e filled by beamring a suitable candidate from the same judicature.REHIRING The employees who have retired from the Job but they are rehired for their contribution and experience also the employee who leave the Job for a long period they also rehired if they apply to the organization internally. JOB POSTING The major means for recruiting employees for other Jobs within the organization is a Job posting system. Job posting is a system in which the employer provides notices of Job openings and employees respond by applying for specific openings . The organization can notify employees of all Job vacancies by posting deices, circulating publications or in some other way inviting employees to apply for jabs.In a unionized organization, Job posting and control can be quite formal the procedure often is spelled out in the labor agreement. Is an organization that always focus on internal recruitment, promotions and transfers. They always motivate the internal employees to their career path in right way in AIRTIME. They always show them the right system so that AIRTIME can get their loyal employee and most importantly can recruit their employees internally which cost effective also. Promotion and transfer is highly appreciated in AIRTIME. They promote their employees and sometimes transfer them to other places with facilities.To get promote or to get promotion with transfer the employees must be eligible for some criteria. They are They have to be on-roll employee of AIRTIME Ltd. Or its subsidiaries For Brand S have had at leas t 12 months of continuous serving with AIRTIME work For Brand F/SMS, 1&2 have had at least 18 months of continuous service with AIRTIME or one of its subsidiaries Form Brand 3 & above have had at least 24 months of continuous service with AIRTIME or one of its subsidiaries work spent at or a Job in another business unit or at another location within the company.Is show window if an employee has changed location in the same circle while doing the same Job/role, he/she will be eligible to apply for the UP Is cases where an employee has accepted a position as a consequence of organization changes, the employee in addition to satisfying the above conditions also needs to spends at least 6 months in the position before he/she is eligible of the UP For the purpose of counting the minimum tenure as required above the followers do not constitute a role change redundant Jobs added on the existing JobJob change within the same vertical in a function continuing to report to the same p osition or manager Job name change, if the prime duties remain the same A promotion with no change in responsibilities Have been rated other than the following ratings ALL, ALL, ALL in their least performance appraisal in case of Band 1 and above employees Have been rated other than the AH rating in their latest performance appraisal in case of Band F, SMS and down the stairs employee This is not applicable to young leaders in their first year training.In addition of fulfilling the above eligibility criteria, in case of a manager electing a candidate from his immediate (6 months) ex-team, he needs to take the go for of the current manager of the team. AIRTIME focuses more in rehiring. Because they belief that hiring an old employee than a new employee is far more better. Because the old employee knows a lot about the organization also knows the tradition and the culture of the organization and also it is cost effective. To rehire AIRTIME has some guideline.An ex-employee can be c onsidered for re-hiring if He/she has resigned voluntarily during his/her previous tenure Must not have obtained performance rating of ALL/ALL/ALL or AH in the appraisal wheel around before leaving the service of the company. To be considered for rehiring, an ex-employee has to apply for an open position after the period of reject specified in the following clause has passed and got selected for the same after going through the selection procedure.An employee who had been laid off shall be considered as re-hired when the position he/she has applied for and got selected is different from the position help forward to layoff in the same or different unit, where essential functions, requirements ND/or conditions of employment differ from the position help prior to layoff. From Competition Re-hiring of ex-employees from competition (I. E.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

HR business expansion to china Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

HR blood expansion to china - Essay ExampleThe other possibility is to live them sign a contract up nominal head but Chinese employees do non count to spend more than two years working for any industry so it will be limited.There be many unique considerations in the Human Resources realm when moving a business to China. Some of those can be overcome and some of them cannot. It must be remembered that the US has specific standards in how employees are treated and this remains a US accompany while China has one of the pip records in the world for how humans are treated. There, of course will be the usual things to consider which are many compensation, fair labor rules, diversity, work hours, training, vacation and holidays, as well as other issues.As noted in our explanation below, at that place are some major issues to consider in whether or not to send Expats or hire them. If it is decided to train them, it must be remembered that some o that training will need to be in the US and that cost will run amidst $8 and10 thousand per trip. In China, there is not the resembling expected loyalty to a company because of this expense which means that the company may spend it and do the training only to have the employee be offered a better salary because they are trained and to move jobs. The suggestion here that may facilitate get around some of this cost is to have them sign a contract up front (Wang & XU, 2005). Attracting these people will also be somewhat difficult right now as there is plenty of competition going on. Increased numbers of holiday and improved pay rates patron but there are things that Chinese professionals want that may be better consideration much(prenominal) as where they live. Corporate apartments set up with a little more space than they are utilize to might help. It is a matter of being creative to both attract these professional and to retain them (Sonnenfelf & Peiperl, 1988). gull Cultural Work IssuesChinas labor rates are sig nificantly different according to which region of the farming is considered. The average unskilled worker will cost approximately $50 per month per person. However, in Shanghai, the same position may cost $150 per person per month. To be outside of Shanghai by so far 20 miles will drop labor rates to the $50 per month cost. The US business is use to being trained on multiple diversity issues. In China there are in truth no diversity issues and the HR specialists there will have difficulty in understanding, in situation may be very preoccupied as to what this means. It is suggested that diversity training not occur in China as it will confuse the workers as well as the HR specialists. An example would be an add from a company that read looking for women with fine motor skills for assembly job. This add confused the HR military unit. When ask why they simply said that it is a womans job and only women will ease up (Zhang, Wang, 2006). China actually is less diverse than any oth er area in the world. The vast legal age of the population is ethnic Chinese. The laws in China, also do not protect diversity and do not view it as a concern. There is, in fact, open discrimination against women and it is part of the culture. There are some jobs that are considered male and some that are considered female. There are some issues with religion that personnel from here should keep in mind when

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

General Journal Entries, Ledger Accounts, Trial Balance, Income Assignment

General Journal Entries, account book Accounts, Trial Balance, Income Statement, Statement of Owners Equity and Balance cruise (Case of Amal Translation) - Assignment ExampleIn simple definition, General rule book is a statement where double presentation bookkeeping are posted by debiting an accouting followed by a corresponding crediting of another business relationship using the same amount (Carl, James and Jonathan, 2008). Both debited and credited amount should be equal to maintain the accounting equation. Based on the available accounting information system, an organization may use specialized journal alongside the generalized journal entries in order to have an effective record keeping system. In this contingency, the application of a general journal entries can be limited to adjustments, as well as, in non routine entries. Below is a computed General Journal Entrues for various transaction of the Amal Translation.... 00 Translation Fee realize 24,000 14-Sep Rental Expense 2100 Account Payable 2100 16-Sep silver 48,000 Unearned Fees 48,000 20-Sep Wage Expense 4800 Cash 4800 25-Sep Cash 60,000 Account Receivable 60,000 27-Sep Account Payable 7,900 Cash 79,000 28-Sep Repairs Expense 250 Cash 250 29-Sep Amals Drawing 4960 Cash 4960 29-Sep poster Payable 20,000 Cash 20,000 30-Sep Wage Expense 4800 Cash 4800 30-Sep Advertising Expense 6600 Cash 6600 2.0 Opening Ledger Accounts Leger Accounts Ledger account is the second entry point of business transaction into the companys accounting system. Accounting information contained in the ledger account relates to daily transactions of the business. It collects all credit and debts that relates to the account head within a single space. In this respect, credit and debit entries are devil naturally opposing actions. In real practice, the amount use in the transaction off set ups against single another. Whatever remain is the balance or the difference a fter the set off. This difference is referred to as ledger account balance. Ledger balancing is the process of calculating the balances of ledger accounts. Irrespective of the number of credit or debit ledger accounts available, the balance is calculated by setting off conglomeration debits of the company against the total credits. The differece between the two sums gives the ledger account balance. When setting off, the assumption made is that greater sum is set off from the smaller sum. The following equations summarizes the interpretation of ledger account balance. (Total debit- Total Credit) Applicable in case debit amount is greater. (Total credit-